i n w a r d l y a n d o u t w a r d l y

with Tariq Elsaid, LMSW

أَتَزعُمُ أَنَّكَ جُرمٌ صَغير وَفيكَ اِنطَوى العالَمُ الأَكبَرُ Do you posit yourself to be an insignificant particle, while the cosmos in its entirety is enfolded within you?

Tariq Elsaid is a Psychotherapist and award winning poet with 5+ years of experience. He graduated from the Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelors in Communications, Arts and Sciences, Telecommunications, Information Sciences and Technology, and Japanese Literature, History and Linguistics. Upon graduating, Tariq worked as a Life Coach using Motivational Interviewing (MI) to treat patients with Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia, Depression, and Anxiety towards their dreams. During this time, he also enrolled at the University of California Berkeley’s Post-Baccalaureate Program for Counseling and Psychology Professions while also engaging in an in-depth study of Near Eastern traditions, Classical Arabic, and spirituality (Mysticism) at Darul Qasim in Chicago. Tariq had the good fortune of embarking on educational and spiritual trips where he studied more of the Islamic Intellectual Tradition at places like California, Cambridge, and Turkey.

Soon thereafter, Tariq relocated to Ann Arbor Michigan to pursue a Masters in Social Work (MSW) at the University of Michigan. There, he also received a graduate certificate for Critical Translation Studies, and another in Trauma informed Practices. He was recognized for his holistic endeavors to combine the worlds of poetry, spirituality and literature with mental health and well-being. Tariq received the opportunity to work on a team of interdisciplinary professions towards furthering medical clients levels of care as a Longitudinal Interprofessional Family-based Experience (LIFE) Fellow. Tariq also received several awards for “Best Graduate Poetry” from the Hopwood Program and The University of Michigan.Since graduating with his MSW, Tariq has worked at a number Non-Profit clinics, Private Practices, and Community Wellness Centers with an extensive range of ethnically, religiously, and culturally. diverse clients who present with challenges such as depression, anxiety, trauma, intrusive thoughts, cultural conflict, identity crises, familial disputes, and relationship and marriage related discord.


  • Individual Psychotherapy

    Embark on the long awaited journey towards the deepest parts of yourself, and discover the realest you.

  • Premarital Coaching

    Strengthen your decision towards marriage by reaching contentment through culturally sensitive research backed findings.

  • Poetic Psychotherapy Workshops

    Explore the depths of your language and self through a multitude of poems, songs, odes, and aphorisms.

  • Speaking Engagements

    Looking for a trained professional to talk to your community about the importance of mental health and/or spirituality?

“Mental health is a dedication to reality at all costs.”

— M. Scott Peck